Cooking Gas (LPG) Flash fire/explosion triggered by the electrostatic charge in your body

Are you partially or fully aware that your body can actually serve as a reservoir for the adequate amount of static electricity that can produce a spark capable of igniting cooking gas vapor, with the resultant outcome of a flash fire or explosion?

Landing at the burns unit of LUTH or being unexpectedly dumped on the dreaded one-way flight out of planet earth in explosive fashion, can never be anyone’s prayer point.

However, to forestall the occurrence of either of these catastrophic scenarios, you must take proactive actions to prevent electrostatic charges from building up on your body to a dangerously high level that can result in sparks and the consequent ignition of cooking gas vapors.

Electrostatic Charge

Ø  Electrostatic charge (Static electricity) builds up on your body as a result of the friction that occurs from the contact between your clothing and another surface (sofa or car seat, for example).

Ø  Wool, fur and synthetic clothing like silk, nylon, rayon, as well as some polyester, are unique materials that easily generate and retain electrostatic charges.

Ø  Dry climatic conditions are favorable to the generation of static electricity

Prevention and Discharge of Electrostatic Charge accumulation in your body

§  Wear cotton and other antistatic fabrics when you are going close to any location where you will be exposed to cooking gas vapor

§  Always ensure you touch a metallic surface to discharge the static electricity from your body before coming in contact with cooking gas vapor

§  Avoid leaning on people or on surfaces at gas stations to prevent the generation of static electricity on your body

§  Desist from walking across a rug or ensure you discharge the electrostatic charge you have generated on your body by walking across a rug by touching a metallic surface before getting close to a cooking gas refilling area.